The Cozy Cosmic is out in the world today

The Cozy Cosmic anthology, featuring my latest cozy horror offering “Obsolescent” is now available!

If you haven’t already picked up a copy you can purchase ebook or print versions here and here.


  • There is a launch event happening today at Rose City Book Pub (Portland, OR) from 5.30pm

  • There will be a Zoom reading, including yours truly, on the auspicious Friday the 13th of October at around 7pm PDT (around 1pm Saturday AEST). Registration is free.

  • There will also be a reading in Browser Books in Olympia on October 21st as part of the Northwest Speculative Reading Series.

Some argue existence is an exercise in futility. They claim there are no winners in life. Ultimately, we are insignificant in the face of vast cosmic intelligences that were old when the Universe began. The best minds gibber at the incomprehensibility of it all. Other minds lose themselves in strange geometries because they can't comprehend any alternative. Whatever. The rest of us have to get up in the morning, feed the cat, and go to work. The Cozy Cosmic contains 33 stories of the horrors hidden within the micro-aggressions, the horrors trapped beneath the floorboards, and the horrors waiting patiently on the windowsill. This is the horror that forgets to turn off the light at night. This is the horror of waiting for the tea to boil, knowing full well who you just buried-for the second time-in the yard less than a hour ago. This is the horror of knowing where the dark wool comes from, but you wear the sweater anyway because it was a gift-an expression of love-and, well, being alone is worse than the horror of the unknowable, isn't it?


Awards eligibility 2023


“Persona Non Grata” available in Body of Work